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Creating projects that bring joy

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Aj logo

Creating projects that bring joy

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Creating projects that bring joy

Yo! I'm AJ

A Full-Stack Web Developer

Im a full-stack web developer specializing in building responsive web applications. Primarily, I am focusing on front-end web development while honing my skills on back-end technologies.


Who is AJ?

I love to learn the latest tech

I started my passion for coding by hosting game servers and creating Shopify websites. I was amazed at what you could build with simple tools offered on the internet. This sparked a desire to learn. I attended a Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp at University of Washington. I learned HTML/CSS, Javascript and many frameworks & libraries for both front and back end development. I am currently learning Python and studying data structures and algorithms to become the most efficient and effective developer I can be. I hope one day I can be a contributing member of a team that creates and develops impactful applications for the world.

I have been an automotive and diesel mechanic for the last 10 years. I have always been an avid gamer and loved technology and learning about complex systems. As a Technician in the automotive industry I always took on the role of diagnosing and troubleshooting the hardest problems. In my spare time I would dedicate myself to learning the latest engine control systems which lead me to being a leader in electrical diagnostics and communication systems in my field of work.

Here are some of my Projects

goofy picture of AJ


What I can do


html logo


css logo


javascript logo


tailwind logo


react logo


next.js logo


node.js logo


mongoDB logo


github logo


MySQL logo


What I've Built



Get In Touch

picture of Aj

Austin Gentz (AJ)

Full-Stack Developer

I am available for any part-time or full time positions. I am open to remote and on-site locations. Willing to travel and relocate just about anywhere.

Connect with me

picture of certificate in Full-stack Web Development